Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Scribe Post for 9/29/09

We started off today's class with a competition using our knowledge of transformations (translations, dilations & reflections) to formulate equations for graphs shown on the overhead. (The Kings won extra credit!) We then went over the answers from the quiz last class and talked about the unit test on Thursday.

THE TEST will cover all assigned homework and content learned in chapter 1. When you come to class that day you should have all of your homework organized as specified on the class website so you can take a full eighty minutes to complete the test. You should study by: making sure you understand the points explained in the chapter summary, doing six questions of your choice from pgs. 117-122, and reviewing all hw, notes, and quizzes.

In the last ten minutes of class Mr. O'Brien answered the questions we had on today's homework which covered inverse functions. The questions included problems 21, 23, 27, 61, and 63 on page 99. If you still have any more questions on the homework or on any part of chapter 1 you should see Mr. O'Brien or email him. Good luck on the test!

--The scribe for next class will be Andy--

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